Another Wolrd is plantable Part 2
- Order number: OEK10014
- Available as Video on demand:
- English
- PAL, Duration: 45 min
Format: PAL, Stereo
Duration: 38 minutes
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Languages: German, English, Spanish
Production: Ella von der Haide, Alexander Puell
Year of Productionr: 2006
Director: Ella von der Haide, Alexander Puell
In the film series „Another world is plantable!“ young filmmaker Ella von der Haide presents urban community gardens worldwide. In the center of the series there are activists of community gardens, their gardens and visions. They tell us why their gardens are not just green oasis in the middle of the cities, but also projects which realize "another world".
Part Two of the series shows community gardens in Berlin.
The 3 projekts portraied in the film:
The Kiderbauernhof (Children’s Farm) Mauerplatz in Kreuzberg
The roughly 8000 square meters of fallow land were acquired 25 years ago by neighbors and others from the squatter scene. The aim was and is to create a space for children and youth in which nature and ecological cycles may be experienced, and in which the children themselves can play a responsible role.

Neighbourhood Gardens Rosa Rose, Berlin
The Rosa Rose Neighborhood Gardens, Friedrichshain
Since 2004 these roughly 2000 square meters of land have been used by various people and projects. The garden arose out of the Guerilla Gardening scene. It is an international group that gardens here, and in addition the garden is also used by the neighborhood for workshops, cinematic presentations and bread-baking.

"Guerilla - Gardening" in Berlin, Friedrichshain
Laskerwiesen, a future Citizens’ Park and Intercultural Garden, Friedrichshain
This space of roughly 4000 square meters is not yet a garden. However, as a compromise for the construction of a supermarket in the neighboring lot, a park is being planned for this space that will be overseen by members of the neighborhood. In this park, an intercultural community garden will be
maintained. In connection with this project, it is still to be seen how public green-space planning reacts to the community gardens movement, and seeks to leverage the movement for the optimization of costs. This ambivalent process offers new opportunities for the expansion of community gardens in a city, like
Berlin, that is financially bankrupt.
A Film by Ella von der Haide and Alexander Puell |